Home Daily Bible Readings

Month of February

Bildad Misunderstand God's Justice

Monday (2/14) "Job Suffers Sinlessly"
(Job 1:8-11, 13-22)


Tuesday (2/15) "Habakkuk Struggles to See Justice"
(Habakkuk 1:12-17)


Wednesday (2/16) "Suffering for Doing Right"
(1 Peter 2:20-25)


Thursday (2/17) "God Is in the Storm"
(Psalm 29)


Friday (2/18) "Remove This Cup from Me"
(Mark 14:32-42)


Saturday (2/19) "God Speaks from the Whirlwind"
(Job 38:1-11)


Sunday (2/20) "God's Justice Is Unfathomable"
(Job 8:1-10, 20-22)